
You will be able to access the Reports section of your account from the Dashboard by clicking on Reports present on the left side menu.


Choose between different filters available:

  1. Select a template to see usage for that template

  2. Select status to see how many deliveries are in that state

  3. To see history from a custom range, select the date range from "Period" popup

Accessing the Generated document and Data used to generate the document

The data passed to the template and the generated document can be viewed and downloaded from each entry in the reports list. This will be helpful in understanding better if there are any issues with the generated document.

Click on the download icon on the right side to download the generated document. Click on the eye icon to view the merge data that is used to generate the document.

Please note that the Generated document and Data are deleted from Docupilot after 24 hours. The Download and View data actions will be seen as disabled when there is no Document and Data respectively.

Last updated