Xodo sign (formerly Eversign)

Send generated documents automatically for Signing.

Xodo sign (formerly Eversign) is all about boosting your business workflow and efficiency, and getting day-to-day tasks like scanning, printing and manually signing out of the way.

Hidden Tags

Hidden Tags is a feature that allows text to be used in documents as a placeholder for signature, initial and other tags for a particular signer.


A hidden tag is a text element wrapped in square brackets [ ] containing a series of options in a specific order, all divided by | symbols. You can specify a total of 9 options, such as field type, signer ID, required/non-required, field label, field identifier, and more.

Only the first three options are mandatory! Signer1

[sig|req|signer1] Full Name [text|req|signer1] Date [date|req|signer1] --------------------------------------------------------------- Signer 2 [sig|req|signer2] Full Name [text|req|signer2] Date [date|req|signer2]

White-on-White: Since hidden tags should in fact be hidden on your document, they should be added in same color as the background of your document. In most cases, this is white-on-white.

Example: Here's a hidden tag using all available options:

[text|req|signer1|Name|name_1|Paul McSign|125|50|letters_only]

In the example above we are creating a required 125x50px text field, prefilled with the value "Paul McSign", with "letters_only" field validation enabled. Additionally, the field label is set to "Name" and the field identifier is set to "name_1".

Options: Below you will find all 9 available options explained:

Field Types

The following field types can be created using hidden tags. "Prefill Value" refers to the type of value your field can be prefilled with.

Field Validation

There are 3 types of field validation that can be enabled:

  • letters_only Requires the given field value to contain letters only.

  • numbers_only: Requires the given field value to contain numbers only.

  • email_address: Requires the given field value to be a syntactically valid email address.

Skipping Options: In order to skip an option, simply leave it empty without making any changes to the order of other options. A field with a field identifier but without a field label would look like below. [text|req|signer1||name_1|...]

Optional Recipients & Signers

Enabling optional recipients in the Xodo sign delivery will skip invalid signers and carbon copy (cc) entries.

Last updated